Among all the weight loss hacks that have flooded the market today, you must already have come across Dr. Oz’s rice hack for weight loss. From weight loss smoothies to exotic diet plans – there are plenty of hacks for weight loss put forward by Dr. Oz, which is ‘said to be effective’.
In the current times, obesity is one of the most troubling issues that has been plaguing a major percentage of the world population. Obesity has been classified as a disease now; it is known to come with more serious consequences than one can think of if left untreated. The good news is that today, people are more aware of this dreaded condition, called obesity than they used to be earlier. As the world develops a greater level of mindfulness, people are increasingly looking for ideas and methods that can help them shed those unwanted pounds. While nothing can beat the drill of ‘diet and exercise’, when it comes to losing weight, it can often be ineffective for many of us.
So, we keep hunting for more “options” to help us lose weight faster – and come across weight loss hacks that claim to be effective. One such rice diet hack from the house of the same Dr. Oz has resurfaced on social media and shot to instant sensationalism, grabbing major attention from Netizens far and wide. And people cannot contain themselves with excitement because this viral weight loss hack video shows none other than our very own Jennifer Lopez talking about it!
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Rice Hack! A Video Surfaced On Facebook
A video clip doing the rounds on the Internet, claims that pop icon Jennifer Lopez has also been an ardent follower of this diet hack. JLo, the music sensation, is also known for her stunningly enviable physique and for being super fit even at 54 years of age! As such, when she is supposedly endorsing such a diet known as rice hack for weight loss, people all over the world are bound to believe it without a second thought.

For those who have not yet watched it, in this video, you can see that Jennifer Lopez is talking about how this innovative rice hack has helped her stay in shape. She can also be seen supposedly advocating for this diet hack, saying how it can help people in their weight loss journey.
Talking about what this hack says – according to Dr. Oz’s rice hack or rice water hack for weight loss, you can shed weight rapidly if you drink rice water, i.e., the water that remains in the bowl after straining rice. For this, you need to soak rice in water and then drink that water daily in the morning.
According to the video, Jennifer Lopez supposedly talked about this weight loss hack in a 2008 interview with Dr. Oz, and many people have observed improved health after incorporating this rice water hack into their diet. The textual information provided in the video said that drinking warm rice water in the morning has been observed to play a role in weight loss. People supposedly shed around “2.2 pounds of fat daily” after incorporating this rice water hack. It claims that this innovative drink can help increase “fat shrinking cells” by almost 700 percent and help our body get rid of stubborn layers of fat.
This old video from 2008, where JLo talks about Dr. Oz’s rice water weight loss hack, appeared out of nowhere recently and gained major attention. However, there is a twist in this tale!
So, what you can do to lose weight? It is simple you just have to focus on 2 things what you eat and staying active for a healthy weight loss. Apart from these 2 things, you can also get help from some old-age and scientifically proven methods like this coffee tweak recipe. You can watch the below video for a weight-loss coffee recipe.
It Is A Fake Jennifer Lopez Video
Interestingly, something was odd about the video, and finally, it came to light that this viral video about the rick water hack is an edited version. The original video has been edited using AI for voice so that viewers can see Jennifer Lopez endorsing this weight loss hack by Dr. Oz.
In the genuine video, Jennifer Lopez has only talked about the importance of drinking plenty of water. The health benefits of drinking water are not unknown to us, and the legendary pop singer and fashion icon was simply emphasizing its importance for good health – in no way did she endorse this rice water hack!
After this video went viral on Facebook, TikTok, and all over social media, it took the Netizens in utter shock and chaos, and they started believing that the gorgeous JLo also drinks this rice water to maintain her sexy figure! But if you watch the real JLo interview video, not this fake one, you will find she is talking about drinking plain water, not rice water. So, needless to say, the claims made by this fake video that went viral, about rice water being endorsed by JLo as her beauty secret, are completely fake and morphed using AI tools.
In the actual JLo video footage, she discusses how drinking water can help us gain great skin and hair health. She mentioned that believe it or not, drinking lots of water can keep your body weight in check apart from keeping you hydrated well enough. So this is what she has been drinking all the time – water, lots of water! But she never mentions anything about drinking rice water to stay in shape.
Though water is known to play a crucial role in keeping our hair and skin in great condition, the link between drinking water for weight loss is, however, not yet established by any scientific research. Some studies, however, indicate that drinking lots of water can trigger feelings of satiety which in turn curbs our appetite, helping in lesser consumption of calories.
After this revelation, Netizens were again up for another round of major shock and disbelief – realizing all that could be done using AI software! This also highlights the fact that not everything we see on the internet is real – so it is important to verify what we see, before blindly rushing to believe them.
About The Author
This Article Is Written By WMDR Team. Our Vision Is To Create A Community Where A Woman Can Get Access To All The Free Resources To Help Her In Her Health, Mental Wellness, And In her Personal Relationships.