Kyle Richards weight loss is inspirational for many women. Low carb diet, restricting unhealthy food habits, quitting alcohol, and regular workouts in the gym has helped her in losing weight.
Kyle Richards, one of the most well-known American actresses and reality TV stars, has been making headlines for her recent weight loss journey. Fans and followers have been curious to know how she achieved her toned physique and how she took to get there. Richards has been open about her fitness journey, sharing details of her diet and workout routine on social media.
In this article, we will delve into the specifics of how The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (RHOBH) star Kyle Richards lost weight, including her diet and exercise regimen, and address rumors and accusations surrounding Kyle Richards Weight Loss.
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How Kyle Richards Lost Weight
Kyle Richards’ weight loss journey resulted from consistent and disciplined lifestyle changes that included a healthier diet, regular exercise, and abstaining from alcohol.
To put it in simple words, it was not the result of a fad diet or a quick fix but rather a conscious effort to make sustainable changes to her eating habits. Her consistent exercise routine, which included cardiovascular and strength training, played a crucial role in Kyle Richards weight loss journey.

Workout And Diet Details
This transformation was not just about cutting calories or hitting the gym for hours daily. Instead, she followed a well-rounded approach that combined healthy eating habits with a consistent exercise routine. Let’s take a closer look at the specific strategies she employed to achieve her impressive transformation.
Kyle Richards’ weight loss journey involved a significant change in her diet, which she shared with her fans and followers on social media. She eliminated alcohol, bread, pasta, and sugar from her diet and focused on consuming protein, fruits, and vegetables. Richard also occasionally indulged in small amounts of pasta and other carbs, but only after she had achieved her desired weight.

Richards typically had eggs or a smoothie with protein powder for breakfast after a workout. Her lunch consisted of fish with vegetables; for dinner, she ate chicken breast and a salad. Throughout the day, she also ate fruits and drank plenty of water.
Despite rumors that she followed the keto diet, Richards clarified that she did not. Instead, she focused on eating a balanced diet with protein, vegetables, fruit, and occasional carbs. She emphasized that she loved cereal and always included fruits and vegetables in her meals.
Richards explained that her decision to change her eating habits came after a European trip where she gained weight. However, she noticed that she felt great after making these changes, and now that she has achieved her desired weight, she occasionally indulges in treats like birthday cake or pasta but only on rare occasions.
Kyle Richards, a popular American actress, has been vocal about her fitness journey, including her workout regimen. She has attributed her success in losing weight to a workout routine that is both consistent and challenging. Richards’ trainer, Cory Gregory, is responsible for creating an exercise program focusing on cardiovascular and strength training.
Richards’ workouts include running and walking on an incline, weight exercises, and bicycle crunches. These exercises are designed to improve cardiovascular fitness, build muscle mass, and enhance overall strength.
In addition, Richards’ morning workouts typically last for one to two hours, depending on her schedule. She believes that even a short workout is better than nothing and consciously tries to prioritize her health and fitness routine.
Richards has also revealed her love for the Peloton bike and uses it thrice a week. In an Instagram story shared on February 8, 2023, she revealed that she used to do strength training on the Peloton, but now she focuses more on arms and interval classes when she is short on time. She also mentioned that she enjoys mixing up her workouts with Peloton, long ab routines, and weight training. Additionally, she likes to run outside or on a treadmill, depending on the weather and her schedule.
Quitting Alcohol
Kyle has credited her recent weight loss success to her healthy lifestyle changes, which include abstaining from alcohol. In a recent conversation with her fans on Instagram, Richards stated that she owes her sleek new look to regular exercise, a healthier diet, and steering clear of alcohol.
When asked by a fan if she had any plans to add alcohol back into her diet, the 54-year-old actress and reality star replied, “I feel amazing, so I don’t see the point right now.” This also applies to her on-screen drink of choice, the margarita. Richards revealed that despite its popularity among her fans, she does not miss sipping the beverage.
Some of Richards’ followers have speculated that she may have used a weight loss drug to achieve her toned physique, but the reality star has strongly denied these rumors.
In an interview with ExtraTV, Richards spoke out against these claims, stating that she works hard to maintain her figure. She wakes up early daily, typically between 5:30 and 6 a.m., and spends two hours at the gym.
Surgery And Ozempic Use Accusations
Internet trolls have accused Kyle of using the drug Ozempic to aid in her recent weight loss. Ozempic is a medication used to treat Type 2 diabetes but has also been found to help individuals lose weight. However, Richards has strongly denied these accusations, stating that she has never used Ozempic.
Furthermore, some internet users have also suggested that Richards’ new figure could be attributed to plastic surgery. Richards did admit to having a breast reduction in May 2022 but has denied any other cosmetic procedures that may have contributed to her slim physique.
In response to the accusations, Richards shut down the rumors, clarifying that she has been open and honest about what she does to maintain her appearance. She added that if people want to give plastic surgery credit for her weight loss, they are welcome to do so, but she has not used Ozempic.
It is important to note that while Ozempic has been found to be effective in aiding weight loss, it is still a medication that requires a prescription and should only be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional. Moreover, following a healthy diet and exercise regimen is essential to achieve and maintaining weight loss goals.
How Did Kyle Richard Lose Weight?
Kyle Richards quit alcohol, processed foods, bread, and sugar from her diet. She started eating following a healthy diet routine and regular workouts in the gym. She also underwent breast reduction and all these helped her in weight loss.
Which Surgery Did Kyle Richards Undergone?
Kyle Richards underwent breast reduction surgery.
Did Kyle Richards Use Ozempic For Weight Loss?
No, Kyle Richards Did Not Use Ozempic For Weight Loss.
Which Diet Does Kyle Richards Follow?
Kyle Richards follows a low-carb diet. She eats protein, vegetables, fruit, and occasional carbs.
About The Author
This Article Is Written By WMDR Team. Our Vision Is To Create A Community Where A Woman Can Get Access To All The Free Resources To Help Her In Her Health, Mental Wellness, And In her Personal Relationships.