Why You Should Try Acupuncture To Feel Better

Key Takeaways

If the thought of inserting needles into your skin is the only thing stopping you from trying acupuncture, maybe knowing its benefits may help you change your mind.

 If you’re suffering from acute or chronic pain, consistent treatments will help you manage pain, boost your immune system, and improve your mobility. If physical pain isn’t your main concern, acupuncture can also provide benefits to your mental health as it helps reduce stress and alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.

But if you’re still not convinced by the wonders of acupuncture, this article will help you get to know its process on how it makes you feel better.

What Is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a type of Ancient Chinese Medicine that aims to restore your body’s energy balance. It believes that your energy flows through different pathways in your body – but once any of these pathways are blocked, that’s when you develop pain or illness.

Acupuncture remedies this by inserting needles on specific points of your body. This will remove the blockages to restore the healthy flow of energy in your system. Several studies have shown acupuncture can provide positive effects on various health conditions. That’s why you can use it as a supplementary therapy to your medical treatments for managing pain.

What Are The Benefits Of Acupuncture?

When done right, you can gain several benefits from consistent acupuncture treatments, including reducing pain, boosting the immune system, alleviating stress, speeding up recovery, and preventing injuries.  

From a scientific standpoint, the needles stimulate your nervous system, improving blood flow.1Trusted Source✅ | PubMed Central | Trusted Data From The National Library Of Medicine (Government Authority) Go To Source It also increases the production of serotonin and endorphins, which reduces pain and discomfort from injuries or diseases. It also relaxes tight muscles and reawakens weak ones to improve mobility and flexibility. 

That’s why it’s effective for managing symptoms from a number of health conditions, including:

  • Back pain
  • Migraines
  • Tennis elbow
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Tendonitis
  • Allergic rhinitis
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ)

How Long Do The Benefits Of Acupuncture Last?

The longevity of the benefits of acupuncture will vary for each person. But it usually depends on the type and severity of your condition.

If you’re treating an acute condition, like muscle injuries, you might restore your mobility in just 1-2 sessions. But if you’re trying to manage your symptoms that are caused by a disease, the benefits of acupuncture may wear out after a few weeks or months.

In this case, you’ll need regular acupuncture treatments to reap its long-term benefits.

How Often Should You Do Acupuncture?

The frequency of your sessions will depend on your health history and symptoms. Make sure to talk to your acupuncturist about your treatment plan so you know what to expect.

You’ll usually start with 1-2 sessions a week, but if you’re experiencing more severe symptoms, you’ll probably need to come more often. Once you see positive results from your treatment, your acupuncturist will start to schedule your sessions more far apart – from once a week, every two weeks, or once a month.

But if you’re not seeing any changes in your symptoms after a few sessions, acupuncture may not be the right treatment for your condition.

Who Shouldn’t Do Acupuncture?

Almost anyone can benefit from acupuncture – whether you want to alleviate pain, speed up recovery, or just relax. But consult your doctor before you book your first session to ensure acupuncture is beneficial for your condition.

But it may not be the best treatment for you if you have a metal allergy, blood disease, or are taking blood thinners. Also, take caution if you have a pacemaker since acupuncture with mild electrical stimulation can interfere with your device.

Don’t forget to let your acupuncturist know if you’re pregnant so they can avoid acupoints that can induce labor.

What Should You Expect In Your First Session?

On your first visit, your acupuncturist will ask you about your health history and the goal you want to achieve from the treatment. They might also ask to see your tongue and do a pulse test on your wrist to evaluate the health of your internal organs.

From that assessment, they’ll create a personalized treatment plan that targets all your health goals and concerns. Then, they’ll start your session by placing the needles on your acupoints – which will last for 10-40 minutes.

Make sure to wear loose clothing, drink water, and eat a light meal at least 2 hours before your appointment so you’re comfortable throughout your session.

Ready To Book An Acupuncture Session?

If you’re ready to start your acupuncture treatment, book your sessions at Lycoming Orthopedic & Sports Acupuncture. They personalize your treatment plan according to your symptoms and health goals. They also offer dry needling, cupping, corrective exercise, and electrostimulation services to speed up your recovery. If you have questions or inquiries, feel free to reach out to their team now.

  • 1
    Trusted Source✅ | PubMed Central | Trusted Data From The National Library Of Medicine (Government Authority) Go To Source

About The Author

This Article Is Written By WMDR Team. Our Vision Is To Create A Community Where A Woman Can Get Access To All The Free Resources To Help Her In Her Health, Mental Wellness, And In her Personal Relationships.

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